Introducing the Indie Gamer Chick Seal of Approval

By popular request, Indie Gamer Chick now offers a Seal of Approval for games that make the Leaderboard.  Well, I suppose there is nothing to really stop anyone from just using it even if their game is a festering turd that attracts all airborne illnesses, but it’s the thought that counts.  No, seriously, this is for Leaderboard games.  Want the Seal?  Make a game that lands a spot on the Leaderboard.

For you Leaderboard game having developers, feel free to use this Seal as you see fit.  Press release, website, blogs, box art, tee shirts, tattoos, cattle branding, crop circles, or fake IDs.  I’m pretty much cool with anything that doesn’t involve a carving knife and a corpse.

I’m not going to go down the list of all 122 (as of this writing) games on the Leaderboard and edit the seal into the review, but I can do so by request if you so wish.  That’s pretty much it.  Carry on.

Huge thanks to DMPDesign for the Seal!  It looks great.

Edit: Yes, I suppose this can also be applied to games on non-XBLIG platforms that are not eligible for the Leaderboard.

Edit 2: And here is one with a transparent background.  People want to know if there’s an official size I want on the box.  There isn’t.  This seal belongs to you guys.  But it probably should be small and in the corner so as to not draw attention away from the art of the box.  Thanks to Andreas Heydeck for the transparent seal!  And thank you to the community for your support.  I’m truly touched at how many of you have said your goal is to earn this seal.  I wish you could all know how awesome you make me feel.

About Indie Gamer Chick
Indie game reviews and editorials.

12 Responses to Introducing the Indie Gamer Chick Seal of Approval

  1. IndieMario says:

    Looks really good. Great idea.

  2. drake1993 says:

    can we get a fan version . and stickers 😀

  3. Hey that’s not a bad idea.

    It would be awesome if Microsoft made a new category showing your leaderboard games, sort of like their kotaku and contest lists.

    I think the two best ways to make that happen would be either registering a business for your site and selling it to Microsoft for $10,000,000-$1,000,000,000. Or suggesting it to Major Nelson.

  4. Love it.

    You should all strive for it.

  5. Kolphyre says:

    I want to meet the person who gets this tattooed *chuckles*

  6. Brandon Schmidt says:

    Crap, this is actually a really good idea. Might have to steal it or put a spin on it.

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